IMCONet Workshop on “Microbial communities: structure and interactions with other pelagic and benthic components of the coastal western Antarctic environments”
Date: 17th and 18th, December 2015 at Argentine Antarctic Institute (IAA) and Argentinean Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
On Tuesday 17th and Friday 18th December 2015 the IMCONet Workshop on “Microbial communities: structure and interactions with other pelagic and benthic components of the coastal western Antarctic environments” was held in Buenos Aires. The Workshop was coordinated by Dr. Walter Mac Cormack (IAA, WP3 leader) and involved scientists of WP2 (Plankton Community Change), WP3 (Microbiology), WP4 (Benthic Ecology) and WP6 (Ecological Modeling).
Participants were from IAA, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS), University of Gröningen (RUG), National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Ghent University (Belgium, UGent), Atomic Energy National Commission (CNEA), University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Universidad Mayor from Santiago de Chile.
The workshop summary can be found here
The agenda can be found here
IMCONet Workshop on “Food Web Modeling”
Date: 7. September – 9. September 2015 at National University General Sarmiento (Argentina)
From 7 to 9th of September 2015 an IMCONet Workshop on “Food Web Modeling” was held at the National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Workshop was coordinated by Professor Fernando Momo (UNGS; Leader WP6) and involved scientists of WP4 (Benthic Ecology) and WP6 (Ecological Modeling).
Participants were from UNGS, the Argentine Antarctic Institute (IAA), the partners from Ghent University (Belgium) and from the universities of Cordoba and Lujan in Argentina.
The workshop summary can be found here.
IMCONet WP5 – Workshop
Date: 30. June - 03. July 2014 at the AWI in Bremerhaven, Germany
The workshop aims to discuss post glacial, long time environmental changes at the KGI area from terrestrial and marine records.
IMCONet Workshop on Food Web Modelling
Date: 24. -26. June 2014 at the University of Gent, Belgium
A summary of the content and outcome of this workshop will be published here soon.

Workshop Food Web Modelling, © F. Momo

Workshop on Food Web Modelling, © F. Momo

Workshop on Food Web Modelling, © F. Momo
IMCONet Workshop: Spatial modeling of pelagic and benthic data
Date: 16. - 18. June 2014 at the AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany
The workshop aims to discuss the current state of research and data collection as well as data and the knowledge gaps, the state of archiving and the approaches to build both types of models. Actual modelling with the data should be started in groups during the workshop.
The agenda of the Ecological Modelling Workshop can be found here.
Antarctic Peninsula Glacier Mass Balance Workshop
Date: 05. - 06. June 2014 at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
The workshop targets to bring activities of in-situ measurements, in particular of glacier mass balance components, together with remote sensing and modelling activities.
The agenda of the Antarctic Peninsula Glacier Mass Balance Workshop can be found here.